Everyone has the right to periodic holidays with pay" And, evidently, the right to have unabashed fun while on holiday. You never know who will show up at the Confuse-a-Tron Lounge's "open mike" hour to entertain the spunky crowd of festive visitors. Luis Bunuel would be proud.
"Money is better than poverty if only for financial reasons" so it reads on this beautifully made 500 Zenones note. Two tickets coming right up Miguel and we shall put the change onto the El Taller de Zenon 4-D spending account. Your wife is going to love you for this.
Artistamp Mail Call - Check out Miguel's new blog as he collects
everybody's Artistamp sheets for
display here:
artistampstz.blogspot.com . There are some wonderful works to behold there.
Well, I must say,
Heebee Island is certainly excited to find El Taller
de Zenon here. Thank you so much for your lively and engaging art Miguel. Find out more about what and who this Artist is:
WOW... I'd like to play in that band...