Friday, August 20, 2010

Heebee Post #398 - Art Tower (Gunter Schwind) - Aschaffenburg - Germany

The Special Delivery IUOMA Blimp soars majestically across the sky in this lovely commemorative postcard sent in by my wonderful cousin Arty. A spectacular classic!
Gunter writes "Thanks for the spices". I introduced him to some "Tony Chachere's" Cajun spice while he visited here last year and he is hooked. I also gave a few cans of the blessed substance to his sister Carla when she went to Germany a couple of months ago for him. "Tony C's" can be terribly habit forming as a lot of folks from the southern USA will attest. Cousin Arty is currently having a Mail Art Show in his hometown of Aschaffenburg - "Sending and Receiving". See his MA site here: Art Tower's Mail Art. Killer card Gunter - thank you very much and see you in December!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for educating all on our products! We thank you from the bottom of our heart!

    Cindy Adams-Ardoin
    Food Scientist
    Tony Chachere's
