Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Heebee Post #397 - Litsa Spathi (Nobody's Dummy) - Breda - Netherlands

I have said a few times before, I don't usually post the 'Add and Pass' efforts - but when Litsa Spathi sends you something, you should respond accordingly. I am the third participant on this and I changed it rather drastically. It is a large 'A-4' size and hopefully will gather more interest as it goes from one artist to the next. Baroni, Spathi and now me. I am enjoying the company here! Who will be next?
Litsa is a very clever Artist and the 4th Dimension has been a big fan of her very interesting work for a long while. In our humble estimation, she is the best of the best when it comes to Fluxus Art. She is the MaMa of DaDa! Shown above is a little booklet of a "Digital Fluxus - Performance on Facebook - Version #1". Great ideas seem to just flow out of her and this is one of them. I enjoyed this 'Fluxus episode' very much - A lot of Artists contributed to the performance and it is an engaging read. It contains all the remarks made on Facebook as a reaction to the statement "No money for Fluxus Claquers!" made by Litsa (seen above on the cover).
Some handsome 'Fluxus Stamps' were also included in this fascinating envelope of curious fun.
Welcome to the 4th Dimension dear Litsa! It sure is a pleasure to have this wonderful Artist on the Island. There is a considerable amount of her all over the Internet and you can start right here: Fluxus Poetry. That you very much my friend - I shall be visiting you in the mail quite soon!

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