Thursday, September 30, 2010

Heebee Post #416 Ruud Janssen / Tam Publications - Breda - Netherlands

Ruud checks into the Affair with this grand 'Flux" envelope. Included in the assortment inside was a very friendly note. As I have said before, I will no longer be publishing the bits of correspondence I receive, unless it is incorporated into the Mail Art itself (and except Richard Canard of course - it is his Art). - I regard them as quite personal and strictly between myself and the sender/receiver (a 'Fluxus Affair'). I do encourage including letter writing in with the Mail Art and think there is certainly not enough of that old fashioned friendliness going on these days. Thank you for the pleasant and considerate note my friend - I appreciate it very much.
A page of new IUOMA logo Artistamps conceived by veteran Mail Artist Roland Halbritter of Germany. Nice.
The Tam Archives are always seeking out rubber stampings for their immense collection. In this case, 'Fluxus' rubber stampings. Ruud looms largely in the Fluxus/Mail Art world - He invented and put together IUOMA and has flown many other missions in the name of the genre. For that, we salute you Ruud! Thank you very much my honorable friend. See you in the post soon! Ruud Janssen.

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