Eddie Nero checks into Heebee Jeebeeland with this vibrantly striped ticket. A pretty good dazzler from the classy artist.

It sure was fun meeting him at the XPF extravaganza in San Francisco last Feb. Eddie has a cool vibe packed nicely into his persona and I immediately sensed it. I couldn't seem to get enough time to chat at length with the splendid turnout of super Mail Artists and Philatelic geniuses. I hope to visit Mr. Nero in Oregon in the future.- if the Mail Art stars are aligned. Let's make our own destinies - we'll line then up and have a time of it! Some folks seem like old friends.
Eddie''s reverse side shows how diligent the USPS actually is. I'm glad they saved it from my old address. I love his clever range of artistamps.

Hitman Post is Eddie's brianchild and comes in many forms. I like Muhammed Ali's quote "A Man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life".
The frog goes nicely with the top panel. Lovely stamp old boy. Thanks Eddie, Be seeing you in the mail soon!
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