Saturday, June 6, 2009

Heebee Post #106 - Shivablack - Berlin - Germany

It is easy to tell by the numerous smoke signals emitting from the jungle canopy and the non-stop beat of Island drums, that Shivablack, Mistress of the 4th Dimension, has returned. And once again, Heebee locals are completely entranced by her presence.
A kind of exuberant delirium and party atmosphere descends upon Heebee Jeebeeland whenever Shiva B. is on the premises.
Even those that are seldom seen wander in from the 4-D Frontier to see what the fuss is about.
Shiva B. requests that her Triptychon stay in her favorite room and that a lovely basket of fruit be provided.
All this wonderful Art arrived in this glorious envelope, suitable for the majestic collection of Heebee Jeebee fanfare that always accompanies Shiva B's visitations. Thank you very much for such a fun and splendidly done assortment of great Mail Art. Find out more about what she does:

1 comment:

  1. I feel very welcome as always.. it´s a great pleasure to step on this island..thanx for all those bleesing words..and-what was the name of the green-purple fruit again..?
    *Smack* Shiva*
