It is always a memorable occasion when the illustrious veteran Mail Artist Anna Banana drops in for a visit to your post box. Above is one of a set of nine postcards with Vile Magazine (sold out long ago) covers. You can check out these, now legendary art treats, here:
Vile Magazine.

Anna's current Art Mag is the fantastic Banana Rag. Eight luscious pages of what the pulse of the Mail Art Universe looks like. Anna has been in the business a long while (forever) and the Banana Rag is solid proof of that fact. If you are interested in an in depth overview of the genre - you would be hard put to find a more enjoyable read on the subject. "But is it Art"? Check it here:
2011 Banana Adventure update.

Network publications, Books, Catalogues, Zines and
Artistamps - this wonderful edition is packed with both the humorous and darker sides of the realm. Click here:
Anna Banana Art.
Lots of stuff you always wanted to know but didn't know you wanted to. There is an order form below if you are so inclined. But take it from
ol' Test - Anna always delivers an entertainment punch that is sophisticated and delightful!

A sample of Ms. Banana's
artistamp creation. Sterling quality and a lively sense of humor and wonder. Check here for more about her
Anna's Stamp Collection -
Anna's Artistamp News
Subscribe today and never be sorry you didn't!

Thank you very much Miss B. Always a pleasure to find your lovely brand of art happiness in my smiling mail box. Will be seeing you in the post very soon old girl - keep up the fine work! (I know you will).