Ka's versatility is easily noted with the display of this pair of contrasting tecniques - both courageously created in Ka's fearless wide spectrum of interest.

This gig looks to be occurring inside a sort of celestial womb. Fantastic!
The wondrous beauty of this dreamlike-hued decorated envelope is another super 'Adventure in Mail Art' from the clever Ka. The eyes seem to take a vacation as they are swept away in armchair fantasy. Stunning actually.

Now, we come to Ka's hand cut rubber stamp seen on the back of the Saddle card. I just love this fellow, even if he does remind me a bit of "Gort" from the film "The Day The Earth Stood Still"
I really couldn't help but to make a comparison to Ka's Delivery man and the "Test Tower Delivery Chap" often seen on the back of my own postcards, as well as at the top of this very page. And since I am showing this, I should put to rest the rumor that the "Tart of Mail Art", Fluxus Girl, has not been forgotten and shall soon be seen playing a little larger role in Mail Art mayhem in the Realm of the Fourth Dimension (here). See you in the mail my dear Ka - Love your work! Ka van Haasteren Mail Art.