One of the more spectacular sights on the
Heebee Island shores is the incredible Mermaid Sea-Caves. Located at the the bottom of a treacherously steep cliff, it has been almost completely
inaccessible until very recently, when a tunnel was dug and an observation area was built, deep inside the mountain that abruptly ends at the sea. It is quite a mysterious sight, beholding the gloomy cavernous life of these fantastic creatures as they playfully squeal and splash about. Ancient Mermaid skeletons, fossilized into the walls of this
erie realm only adds to this extraordinary 4
th Dimension vision of sea life.

Jennifer has incorporated her Mermaid Sea-Caves lunch ticket into a lovely postcard. And look at those "S & H Green Stamps". Wow, those bring back memories! Nice cancellation Rubber stamp too Jen. Thank you so much for your 4-D aqua world card. There is still
plenty of time to join in her popular project "