Friday, October 9, 2009

Heebee Post #170 - Charline Adams - Olympia, WA - USA

"I'd like to be - under the sea - in an Octopus's garden - in the shade". Anybody remember that jolly tune? 4-D aquatic life is quite an adventure for this Octo-youngster, but Heebee waters could be rather dangerous for this vulnerable little fellow! Nice to see Charline back in the 4th Dimension, showing the brighter side of Heebee Ocean life - although I really couldn't seem to scan it properly - sorry! Thank you very much Charline. See you soon in the Mail my friend.

1 comment:

  1. I recently wanted to listen to Octopus'Garden for some of the lyrics...and was surprised to find it has a country western flavor to the song...8^D
