Sunday, November 8, 2009

Heebee Post # 188 - Medwolf - Battleford, Saskatchewan - Canada

The well known Trans-4-D Frontier explorer Medwolf shows off some Heebee Jungle trinkets he gathered while on his last expedition. Nothing is known about them and they were promptly sent off to the 4-D Museum here on the Island.
One of the more distinguished items he brought back is the "David Zack War Club". In his tireless search for his old friend who vanished somewhere along the region of the Frontier known as "The Edge", he found indisputable evidence that Mr. Zack had indeed been there - the remains of his old guitar!
It has been a long while since Medwolf has been back into the Resort area of the Island. No one has explored more of the 4th Dimension Frontier. Bet he'll have a few nights of fun in the Confuse-a-Tron Lounge before he is off again on his hunt for the elusive old Zack. Want to join in on his ongoing search? Click here: Medwolf Mail Art or here: Lost Mail Art. It is sure a pleasure for everyone on the Island to have our rugged friend back! Thanks very much.

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