Monday, November 30, 2009

Heebee Post #206 - Servane Morel - Brussels - Belgium

"Some things get started by other things starting - Like fingers snapping at a Beatnik party"! Man, dig that crazy beat! The Confuse-a-Tron Lounge stage boasts the best musical performances in the Heebee Territories. Here you can see the band roaring into the crowd pleasing " Hymn of Heebee Jeebeeland". Nobody is sitting still at this point as the tables empty out onto the dance floor!
Servane shows that she has her finger on the pulse of Heebee Island with her spectacular Cool Cat Jazz postcard. It is a beauty! Shoo baba doo bop! Love it! Thank you very much! If you would like to see her very hip Mail Art site, check here: Lettres d'Ailleurs.