Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Heebee Post #249 - Art Tower (Gunter Schwind) - Aschaffenburg - Germany

"People watching" in the 4th Dimension can be quite a diversion for those relaxing in the Confuse-a-Tron Lounge. Like a kaleidoscope of faces, the Heebee Resort never fails to fascinate the observer.
Cousin Arty has been busy making things for Heebee Jeebeeland lately - much to the delight of Island Locals that find Gunter quite a gas! This is another fine example of his cool postcard efforts. You can find Gunter here: Art Tower Mail Art. Thank you very much my dear friend.


  1. your mailart is on the wall again. Well a cow actually...

  2. Hi Andy,
    Wow, Mail Art Barnyard Antics! Somehow, I would not have thought of that. Folks, you should see My Real Wall. It is listed on the Links section of this blog! Andy puts on quite a spirited show!

  3. Yes i guess it would be a bit of a surprise. I bet when you sent it, you didn't suspect that it would end up on a cow in a barn in Romania...
