Nice to have the veteran Mail Artist Anna Banana here on the Affair. Seen above are two small sheets of
Artistamps, exquisitely manufactured and beautiful to behold. Over the years, I have seen hundreds of these gorgeous stamps and other interesting things made by this legendary Artist.

Specific Research Institute - Anna's scientific approach to exploring what exactly "The true meaning of what Art is"? Above is the Press Release inviting everyone to participate in the study.

Dr. Anna 'Freud' Banana seen here conducting her clinical study and collecting the results of her survey. See the lab-coated Anna in the very center here in Victoria, BC where this survey took place.

Here we find the
questionnaire and the results of her study. Like an Art scientist - she is very thorough. Click on it twice to read the details.

I actually had the pleasure of meeting Anna long ago (1980 or '81 I think - maybe '82) at the Goodman building in San Francisco (on Geary St. near Van Ness)) at an Artist's meeting concerning a show. I wish I could remember what show it was - I think it may have been the "I Mannequin" show, but may be mistaken here. Those were very hectic days. Anyway, my girlfriend at the time somehow had got a hold of about 25 or 30 mannequin busts and each artist was given one to decorate for the show. You remember that Anna?

I have always liked Anna and am quite delighted to find her here. All this stuff came packed inside this glorious envelope. Thank you very much and something shall be in the mail for you soon Anna. If you would like to find out more about this intriguing Artist, check here:
Anna Banana Productions.