Wow! Behold "Life after the Four" (dimensions?)! Eduardo visits the Affair in all his mail art splendor from the outer reaches of his cerebral and celestial world. This is so great Eddie - I mean,
ZenDada! Fantastic to the full extent of the meaning of the word!

Eddie also sent in the above
ATC which has the rather unusual word "
Zalop" scrawled onto it. Why? Because sometimes
Ruud Janssen (Netherlands) manufactures
Fluxus words and sends them to people.
Zalop went to Cheryl Penn (South Africa). She had an apparent epiphany with it and opened a discussion regarding this intriguing new word.
ZenDada (Eddie) was immediately enamored and made a little
mini-video about Zalop! And now, here for all of you, gentle viewers, is that magnificent word still! Cheryl declared the word to mean 'nothing', '
nada', 'zilch'. So now you know the rest of the story! Whew! See what kind of puzzling fun you are missing if you are not a member of the
International Union of Mail Artists (IUOMA)?
The Affair is always delighted to find our fine friend Eduardo in it's ranks. Thanks very much for your wondrous 'Paranormal Mail Art' - the 'A4' size
Cozmitronic Journey is lovely work! Visit Eddie in the Lab here:
Paranormal MA. Something is currently in the mail for you too my old friend.