DC's Jackalope universe continues to swell with a terrific "Jackalope Express" mail package that contained the following head scratching items:

DC himself, proudly resplendent, displaying his favorite pals of the Jackalope Jumper Club. I am, for some reason, reminded of Jim Henson. Actually, what fastened to my attention is that remarkable tee-shirt DC is wearing. Jackalope Brewing Company aye? One can only imagine what tasty and tongue loosening beverage is concocted there! A great portrait indeed.
The Jackalope Gazzette with some rather amusing articles concerning the realm of the antler bound rodent.

Among the fanciful articles, DC asks if the rat that ripped off the Jackalope from his mail box would please return the wooden silhouette. Really? Some folks will stoop so low.....
Love the Jackalope cancellation stamping.
Staring at this Jackalope disclaimer gets a little on the weird side.
Thanks very much for all the Happy Jumper info DC - Always a gas! I very much hope we can chat it up at the
Ex Postal facto event next Feb in San Francisco. Lomita is not far from SF. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Great Jumping Jackalopes!
See you in the mail DC!