Friday, June 4, 2010

Heebee Post #366 - Kiki Desvaux - Le Vigen - France

Some of the utensils used to create the magic that is lovingly manufactured in the Heebee Resort kitchen. Although appearing to be quite normal, these galley tools, in the hands of the Island chefs, produce sumptuous meals that are widely renown across the 4-D Territories.
Kiki returns to the dimension of enchantment with this marvelous assortment to enrich the culinary adventures that are delighting all who vacation here. Kiki is a friendly and spirited Artist who is a favorite here and is greatly enjoyed by Island locals. 'Food Party' is the merry disposition for the day! Kiki's super Mail Art sites can be found here: MA Creations and MA Received. She really is one of the most jolly Mail Artists around - Thank you my friend!


  1. Thanks to you !
    It's a pleasure to correspond with you !
    I just regret my so badly english , I would like to tell you more things, it's a little frustrating ... but, mailart, is a good way of communication ! so, I will be continued this way !
    A bientôt (later)
    Amicalement !

  2. Ah Kiki, your English is fine and more than a little charming. I also am enjoying our exchanges very much. See you in the mail!
