Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heebee Post #380 - Stan Askew - Pasadena, California - USA

Stan answers the exotic call of the 4th Dimension with this magnificent 'cauldron style' ancient Heebee happy cup. This jungle relic is indicative of the Islander's predecessors disposition - about the same as it is now!
I love this picture of Ray Johnson grasping in futility for the eternity sign (8) right through his Art. Stan added that nice touch of DaDa irony. Sweet.
This bunch of coolness was included in the envelope - from left to right: That's John Brown's cabin of the 1800's "Underground Railroad" fame. A Lake Quinalt sticker - love that place! And a vintage fiber postcard of the Grand Canyon - although, I must say, it looks more like Mt. Zion in New Mexico. Both places that are truly awesome.
Great to have Stan back in the other dimension. I had just sent out something to him when I received this interesting package. Thank you very much old friend. You can find more of Stan's work here: Askew Photo.

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