Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce to you, "Shelly" the tireless "Turtle Mail" worker. It is purported to be faster and more accurate than "Snail Mail". Huh?
A close up of DC's wise guy Jackalope. He reports that he becomes tired just watching Shelly show off her new stuff. That Jackalope seems to be just about everywhere these days.
The backside of DC's postcard reveals "What is this Artist doing"? Click on it to find out what the heck that could be? AS DC concludes here, the problem can be solved by customer "Patience and Education".
I just had to show off the artist's Turtle Post artistamp. What a beauty DC! Love it! Thanks for the terrific card. and see ya in the mail old pal.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Heebee Post -#1141 - Servane Morel - Brussels - Belgium -
I'm always so delighted to find Servane's whimsically curious work in my Mail Box. Here, she sends us a "Patient"; just right for Heebee Jeebeeland. This looney fellow seems to have been practising his talents on the way here. Performing on the Circus-like High Wire, he goofs off for the fans. Ya know, I can't help but to notice that his clothing looks a lot like the outfits my mother used to make for us as children!,.
Servane is a solid mailartist and her and I have exchanged many, many things through the Post Office's firm command! Thanks, Servane, I can just imagine this adorable harlequin squiggling about the grounds at night! Lettres d'Alluers.
Servane is a solid mailartist and her and I have exchanged many, many things through the Post Office's firm command! Thanks, Servane, I can just imagine this adorable harlequin squiggling about the grounds at night! Lettres d'Alluers.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Heebee Post #1140 - Eric Babaud - Ste. Anastasie - France
This large A4 sized Pow-Wow of chaos sent in from Eric is another example of his playful pandemonium-like editions. It is always exciting to receive his style of happy-go-weirdo-world of mail art.
Here we see a much smaller piece that was enclosed within the large decorated envelope. This rough looking subject seems to examining his mail art soul, through the red outlined Postman bringing his magical bundle of mail art. Lovingly done by the French gentleman. Thank you very much Eric. See you in the cryptogram world we both seem to live in!
Here we see a much smaller piece that was enclosed within the large decorated envelope. This rough looking subject seems to examining his mail art soul, through the red outlined Postman bringing his magical bundle of mail art. Lovingly done by the French gentleman. Thank you very much Eric. See you in the cryptogram world we both seem to live in!
Friday, April 17, 2015
Heebee Post #1139 - Cracker Jack Kid (Chuck Welch) - Petersborough, New Hampshire - USA
The Kid checks into Heebee Jeebeeland with a super momento from the well received "Mail Art DaDa - Mail Art MoMa" show last Nov in NYC.
The legendary Mail Artist reports that the Mail Art Moma rubber stamp was stolen and so now "MoMa misses DaDa". Heh.!Here is another Fluxus Rubber stamp made by the Kid. Looks simple right? It's hard to get it just right and Chuck executes them almost effortlessly. It takes some folks years to "Get it" and some never will. The coolest stuff doesn't need them to carry on!
The Kid also relates that the affair was a "Wonderful gathering of old Mail Art codgers in NYC. I sure wish that I could have attended that illustrious event! Ah well, what can a poor fella do? Thank you for the stamped souvenier and remembering us here, in the fourth Dimension. The Kid's a classy guy - check out DaDa and MoMa.
The legendary Mail Artist reports that the Mail Art Moma rubber stamp was stolen and so now "MoMa misses DaDa". Heh.!Here is another Fluxus Rubber stamp made by the Kid. Looks simple right? It's hard to get it just right and Chuck executes them almost effortlessly. It takes some folks years to "Get it" and some never will. The coolest stuff doesn't need them to carry on!
The Kid also relates that the affair was a "Wonderful gathering of old Mail Art codgers in NYC. I sure wish that I could have attended that illustrious event! Ah well, what can a poor fella do? Thank you for the stamped souvenier and remembering us here, in the fourth Dimension. The Kid's a classy guy - check out DaDa and MoMa.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Heebee Post #1137 - Ka van Haasteren - The Hague - The Netherlands
Wow! Nothing like a lovely Cosmonaut to collect your attention! This Warhol like "Ka-Mail Art" philatelic wonder is just stunningly great. Ka has astonished me many times with her capricious imagination and this one is right in there with the best of them. 

Although Ka is much more clever than myself, we both seem to think alike on some odd parallel level of peculiarity. This envelope is a nice vibrant feast of mail art life!
Another cavalcade of fun from the talented artist. She sure seems to wield the Heebee Jeebeeland credo "More Fun, Less Worry" rather well.
A team of interesting Characters adorn the back side of the remarkable envelope. I like the happy-go-lucky feel of these amusing subjects.

This incredible altered postcard was included in the little package and I love, love, love it. The viewer's eye wanders around and comes to rest on the starried Forest Fairies. The animals seem to stare in complete adoration. This is another Ka masterpiece. And seen firsthand, it is amazing!
This fellow is just a gas! Beautiful job Ka.
The reverse side of the card is a wonderland of perfect weirdness!
And finally, the stamp you see here is actually an official Netherland issue. Not that remarkable in itself but, what does make it remarkable is an actual flower seed in the center covered with a circular piece of tape. Thank you very much Ka, you bring "It" every time. See you in the mail soon my friend. If you, dear reader, have never seen Ka's site, you might consider taking a little jaunt to: Ka Art or Ka's Mail Art.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Heebee Post #1136 - Servane Morel - Brussels - Belgium
A pleasant feeling of well-being befell me as I pulled this wondrous work from my chilly rural roadside post box.. It has been some while since I have received mail art from Servane and I have missed her cleverly ornate and colorfully expressive world of likable Goon Squads. I am in love with her unique technique and I cherish my Fluxus.Affair with her over the years.
Pay close attention the the gorgeous detail of her spectrum of characters. I am absolutely delighted to add this to a sizable collection of her work. So nice to hear from you, my old friend. Be seeing you in the mail soon!
Pay close attention the the gorgeous detail of her spectrum of characters. I am absolutely delighted to add this to a sizable collection of her work. So nice to hear from you, my old friend. Be seeing you in the mail soon!
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Heebee Post #1135 - Eddie Nero - Eugene, Oregon - USA
Eddie Nero checks into Heebee Jeebeeland with this vibrantly striped ticket. A pretty good dazzler from the classy artist.
It sure was fun meeting him at the XPF extravaganza in San Francisco last Feb. Eddie has a cool vibe packed nicely into his persona and I immediately sensed it. I couldn't seem to get enough time to chat at length with the splendid turnout of super Mail Artists and Philatelic geniuses. I hope to visit Mr. Nero in Oregon in the future.- if the Mail Art stars are aligned. Let's make our own destinies - we'll line then up and have a time of it! Some folks seem like old friends.
Eddie''s reverse side shows how diligent the USPS actually is. I'm glad they saved it from my old address. I love his clever range of artistamps.
Hitman Post is Eddie's brianchild and comes in many forms. I like Muhammed Ali's quote "A Man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life".
The frog goes nicely with the top panel. Lovely stamp old boy. Thanks Eddie, Be seeing you in the mail soon!

Eddie''s reverse side shows how diligent the USPS actually is. I'm glad they saved it from my old address. I love his clever range of artistamps.

The frog goes nicely with the top panel. Lovely stamp old boy. Thanks Eddie, Be seeing you in the mail soon!
Friday, January 16, 2015
Heebee Post #1134 - Sally Wurlitzer - San Francisco, California - USA
Good natured and wonder woman artist, Sally W sends this, peculiar to the point of being some kind of scary, postcard. I have just seen the film "The Gangs of New York" and these bug chuckers look like one of those nasty gangs. Heh. I was fortunate enough to have met the clever Sally at the XPF last year in San Francisco last Feb, by Jack Lattemann of Cascadia Artpost , my pal from up here in the Northwest. I have since then become a big fan of her work. Sally really rocks with just about anything she does. I love the SF artists I met down there, especially the bunch of lovely SF women that were putting the unforgettable affair together. I have always liked San Franciscan gals anyway! Once again, I salute you!
Note the "Posted by Wurlitzer World" rubber stamping. I always like to call it Voylitzer Voyld for some reason. Heh-heh. Anyway she writes "Rubberstamping from the Awesome Cascadia Artpost". I should also mention the texture of the piece is a sort of tough old-time poster card style. It has a good feel to it too. Thanks Sally, glad to have met you and see ya in the mail old girl! Check out Sally's incredible work here. Wurlitzer World.
Note the "Posted by Wurlitzer World" rubber stamping. I always like to call it Voylitzer Voyld for some reason. Heh-heh. Anyway she writes "Rubberstamping from the Awesome Cascadia Artpost". I should also mention the texture of the piece is a sort of tough old-time poster card style. It has a good feel to it too. Thanks Sally, glad to have met you and see ya in the mail old girl! Check out Sally's incredible work here. Wurlitzer World.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Heebee Post #1133 - Phillip - Columbus, Ohio - USA
"Alien Worlds" postage is a Classic Science Fiction, "First Day of Issue", that stands out among it's peers giving it a universal sense of importance
I love "First Day of Issue creations, especially when the ambiguity level leaves the viewer scratching his head in silent wonder - and in First class no Less!
It is difficult to determine which side is front and which is the back of the enigmatic postcard +- although the fellow seen on this artistamp seems both curious, brave and adventuresome - as well as only 1/4 the power of Mail Art that the "Alien Worlds" posseses.
And thank you for your kind words Phillip. Made my day! And yes, I do enjoy Faux Philatelics - to the point of diversion.
I'll be seeing you in the mailbox soon Phillip. "Alien Worlds" rules!
I love "First Day of Issue creations, especially when the ambiguity level leaves the viewer scratching his head in silent wonder - and in First class no Less!
It is difficult to determine which side is front and which is the back of the enigmatic postcard +- although the fellow seen on this artistamp seems both curious, brave and adventuresome - as well as only 1/4 the power of Mail Art that the "Alien Worlds" posseses.
And thank you for your kind words Phillip. Made my day! And yes, I do enjoy Faux Philatelics - to the point of diversion.
I'll be seeing you in the mailbox soon Phillip. "Alien Worlds" rules!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Heebee Post #1132 - Jas W Felter - Vancouver, British Columbia - Canada
Wow, isn't this eye-popping "Solstice Greetings" folding card from Jas a beauty? He always somehow manages to capture Nature's powerful personality in his distinguished work and this unique portrait of the Winter celebration is a shining example of his fascinating style. A super card (as usual) from Jas with good wishes for 2015 written within.
Jas sets the bar of card making standards quite high with his "eye of the artists" notecards he creates himself
Included with the fab card is this "Block 5 of 6" set of "POSTES MRAUR / ECUADADA". I am always astounded by the incredible vibrancy of color and quality Jas invariably invokes into his Artistamp works.

I'm certainly glad to include these little lovelies with my growing collection of Jas's stamps. This particular set is a commemorative of Jas's escapades regarding his life in Ecuador. And now, it is mine! Thanks Jas!
Note: "Notify sender of new address" sticker from the Post Office, adorns the front of Jas's classy envelope. Good job USPS - Folks, for the sake of Papa Ray, please take heed!
I thought a closer examination of the curious postmark and that handsome "Rapa Nui" Artistamp was warranted. Tremendous work! Last Feb., at the Ex Postal Facto convention in San Francisco, Jas was part of an Artists panel that discussed their own Philatelic and Mail Art histories. As enthusiastic interviewer and panel coordinator, Jenny Hinchcliff asked Jas how the "Mraur" in Postes Mraur was pronounced. "It's more like "Mrrrraur", Jas smilingly said. It was my distinct impression that it had a sort of feline tone to it. I forgot to ask him as I chatted with him later. Ah well, hopefully, I'll get another chance. Thank you so much Jas, I love your stuff - Happy New Year and see you in the mail! Jas W Felter Stories and Antics.
Jas sets the bar of card making standards quite high with his "eye of the artists" notecards he creates himself
Included with the fab card is this "Block 5 of 6" set of "POSTES MRAUR / ECUADADA". I am always astounded by the incredible vibrancy of color and quality Jas invariably invokes into his Artistamp works.

I'm certainly glad to include these little lovelies with my growing collection of Jas's stamps. This particular set is a commemorative of Jas's escapades regarding his life in Ecuador. And now, it is mine! Thanks Jas!
Note: "Notify sender of new address" sticker from the Post Office, adorns the front of Jas's classy envelope. Good job USPS - Folks, for the sake of Papa Ray, please take heed!
I thought a closer examination of the curious postmark and that handsome "Rapa Nui" Artistamp was warranted. Tremendous work! Last Feb., at the Ex Postal Facto convention in San Francisco, Jas was part of an Artists panel that discussed their own Philatelic and Mail Art histories. As enthusiastic interviewer and panel coordinator, Jenny Hinchcliff asked Jas how the "Mraur" in Postes Mraur was pronounced. "It's more like "Mrrrraur", Jas smilingly said. It was my distinct impression that it had a sort of feline tone to it. I forgot to ask him as I chatted with him later. Ah well, hopefully, I'll get another chance. Thank you so much Jas, I love your stuff - Happy New Year and see you in the mail! Jas W Felter Stories and Antics.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Heebee Post #1131 - Sky City (Lord Fugue) - Hickory, North Carolina - USA
Lordo A-GoGo is back in chique form and sleek style for his Autumn's fashion collection - The handsome devil sure must have received a good deal of loving treatment from his dentist.- the broad smile seems to possess an attractive scratchy gleam that, together with his fearless blue peepers, really can invoke that all american appeal.

Scott has outfitted his action packed decorated envelope with some great features: This one boasting of his own ethereal domain, "Sky City".
The front side of the envelope is a wicked good treat for the eyeballs.
Yes, okay, I just thought the back side appeared a bit plain, compared to the rest of the work. Can you tell which part I added onto the panel above? Hey, happiness is a choice: Make it!
The "Infinite Gizmatron" takes up a lot of space and time deep inside the mind and delicate machinations of what is known as "Sky City".
Thanks Scott, always super to hear from you old man. I like the Pippi Longstocking striped leotard tentacles! Nice touch. See you in the mail my friend.

Scott has outfitted his action packed decorated envelope with some great features: This one boasting of his own ethereal domain, "Sky City".
The front side of the envelope is a wicked good treat for the eyeballs.

The "Infinite Gizmatron" takes up a lot of space and time deep inside the mind and delicate machinations of what is known as "Sky City".
Thanks Scott, always super to hear from you old man. I like the Pippi Longstocking striped leotard tentacles! Nice touch. See you in the mail my friend.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Heebee Post #1030 - Cheryl Penn - Durban - KwaZulu Natal - South Africa
She then cuts the work into 6"x4" postcard size cards and sends them out individually, with bits of anecdotal news that is of a peculiar nature and history.
The image on the left looks to me as if some dancer's legs ("The Traveller"?) - trying to return to the painting, making it whole once again ("The Innocents"?). Inquiring minds want to know, although Cheryl will never really reveal the true innuendo that is going on in her quirky world. I am particularly drawn towards it because it is not unlike Heebee Jeebeeland

Yes folks, if Bhubezi Mythology is for you, then so is this well known artist. Check her out. Penn Art Works.
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