Folks, this is great Mail Art - and I did not choose the word "Great" as just a random adjective. I have made note, over the years, of the Italian mail artists and their keen sense for rendering their postal art into a palpable feeling of monumental greatness. The card itself was created by Giancarlo Pucci (Italy) with the altered decorations by Antonio (Spain) enhancing the sophistication of the lovely costumes. As if every detail and feature reeks of importance. This fantastic postcard, sent by Antonio, is a splendid example of what I am trying to convey here. "Rito Religioso Ad Arte" (Religious Rite of Art). The postcard for the extraordinary performance is serious high camp in praise of Art's glory in our lives. Take it as seriously as you like - as it is quite sincere. Coupled with the features added onto the flyer card by Antonio - it is fabulously "Great" - even if the greatness of it is only a perceived one. Love this stuff!
A closer look at the back of the cardinal-esque hat that tops the wonderfully garish robes used in the Art rite. I'm not certain about the Italian word "Pensatoio" but, I think it has something to do with a sort of consortium or group. "Dell Artista" = of Artists.

Even the soup in this info stamp somehow feels great. I think the theme is "Universally communicating with art" but, I get the feeling there is more to it.

This artistamp is a beauty. Wow, what a handsome cameo, although it's that 'Disco' look that is not all that popular any longer - or have I lost being able to put my finger on the pulse of culture? I love the "Questa e Arte" (this is art) spirit.
"Prayer for Artists -For rite devotional love towards Art
We lift to you, Art,
The singing victory against the Mischief.
Oh Art!
That is above entities,
listen to our request,
Support us to believe in you,
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
That Art is among us - Always
That art is alive - Always
That art is true - Always
That Art is love - Always
That Art Respected - Always
With this Magical and mystical rite,
We consecrate conductors and popularizers.
The Art be with you - Always.
The Art will save the world - Always.
Where it flows - There is movement.
Ubi Fluxus ibi motus" (Where Fluxus - There motion)
The reverse side's greatness lies in this magnificent poetry. I sure would have loved seeing the performance!
I couldn't find a online site for Antonio but, here is
Giancarlo's web site. Thank you very much Antonio, fascinating stuff - and, you know, a little more greatness in our lives sure sounds good to me. See you and Giancarlo in the mail.