The "Oracles of Sound" stand fascinatingly elegant as Guardians of the Holy Noise that supplies the Confuse-a-Tron Lounge late night crowd with the heavy Trance-Fusion dance phenomena that is becoming rather popular these days.

Pedro makes his debut on
Heebee Island with this exotic
hypno-vision postcard. It has an eternal-like alluring beauty that is difficult for Islanders to look away from. It is a beauty and has an odd 4-D feel to it. Very nice! Pedro requests 1 minute of "Audio
Autohypnosis" for CD compilation. Mail-Sound-Art. I really dig this sort of thing and have some (a lot of ) experience in this type of Art. I will be sending a minute of Test Tower "Sonic Drift" off to
Mute Sound for their interesting project. Thank you Pedro - see you in the Mail!
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