A knowing, universal, cosmic grin illuminates the 4
th Dimensional heavens this time of year and for good reason! Nearly every corner of the 3-D real world and the entirety of the almost incomprehensible 4-D Territories, have many ideas and notions for celebrating this Season of Love. Anybody want to leave a "Reason for the Season" in the comment section?
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Heebee Jeebeeland Kit. Quickly becoming an Island favorite here, her splendid Artwork really shines in this beautiful Seasonal postcard. Love the way she displays the celestial snow on the reverse side. Roswell is certainly no stranger to the 4
th. Thank you very much my lovely friend. Folks, if you would like to see more of what Kit is up to, try here:
Kit's IUOMA page
Reason for the Season #1: Amidst the gloom of winter, rejoice in the few more moments of light and look forward to spring : "Red is the whirring of your green bird", Kurt Schwitters.