Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Heebee Post #357 - Ross Priddle (Bentspoon) - Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Canuck Fluxist Ross Priddle joins the 4th Dimensional action by sending in his little zine "gar #55". This is a pot pourri of Mail Art, Fluxus and visual poetry with some rather notable contributors. The above piece by John Held Jr is a fantastic poster that served as the back cover to the wonderful little booklet. Other contributing Artists included Serse Luigetti, Rita McNamara, Jennifer Zoellner, Allan Revich, Thompson (see the triumphant looking piece above), Pascal Lenoir, Mike Dickau, Perro Verlag and, of course, the master of ceremonies - Ross himself. A pretty stout group indeed!
Nice to have you on the Island Ross and thank you very much for this great zine. Of the very interesting poetry in the booklet by Ross, is the ponderous line "There is music in the ink" - I couldn't agree more my friend! You can check out his Bentspoon site to see more regarding the works of this long time Mail Artist. It's worth the trip!


  1. wow, thanks for this! I hope it was you that played around with the Fluxus stamps on the envelope & not the post office (the Ministry of Fluxus?)

  2. Hey Ross - Yeah, it was me - in the Billiard Room with the candlestick! Thanks again for the great little Zine - I know it comes with a lot of history, new and old - The Mail Art world appreciates glimpses of genius like this!
