Sunday, March 27, 2011

Heebee Post #568 - Janet Heritage - Wheatridge, Colorado - USA

I am a big fan of Janet's brilliant collage works and am very happy to have her return to the Affair. Her wide range of imagery and subject matter shine in her world of fantasy and phantasma. Here we find her guilding serious Italian Renaissance work with modern fun. Raphael never looked so good! I love this piece.
The reverse side is a nice little spectacle as well, adorned with IUOMA artistamps and a public service message message to potential Mail Art brigands "Choose kind words". Thank you very much Janet, nice to have you here again.


  1. Wow! It's a stunner! Nobody here's ever encountered her work before. Now might be a good time to start to get to know it better.

  2. I see no links here, Test. How do we find her online?

  3. Hi Rose,
    Janet's work is stunning, especially when seen in person - The scanner does not do her justice! Unfortunately, Ms. Heritage is not online. You will have to send her something in the mail. You will not be disappointed! Cheers, Test

  4. Thanks, Test1 too bad we can't find her elsewhere online1 her work is really fine!
    Where can I find her address?

  5. Look closely at the left portion of the back side of the card. PS: Janet Rocks!
