Thursday, April 7, 2011

Heebee Post #576 - Pierpaolo Limongelli - Bari - Italy

Wow! Pierpaolo was kind enough to send this brilliant postcard made by visionary mail artist Alfonso Caccavale. "The Discension" into the discipleship of mail art - Like a mini Da Vinci or micro Michelangelo - it bursts with super human pathos. Alfonso has a grand sense of humor - and a divine notion of mail art!
Also included was this large A4 size add and pass - which I promptly added to and shall soon pass on.
Haven't seen Pierpaolo here for a long time and it certainly is nice to have him drop into the Affair. Thank you so much for the goodies - especially the Caccavale postcard, which is utterly splendorous! Pierpaolo's Art.

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