Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Heebee Post #1033 - Uli Grohmann - Munster - Germany

 "Friends, Romans, Countrymen..........".  Uli takes another kind of look at the illustrious Caesar Augustus - the successor to Julius Caesar, whom that actual speech was about - spoken by Marc Antony in a play by William Shakespeare.  The altered Caesar is sporting quite a pair of bat-like ears and Uli wants to know why. I can only speculate that it is to listen closely to the heartbeat of the Senate - that he may avoid the fate of the previous Emperor.

Uli's sense of Fluxus humor is clearly on display with this subtle alteration of another Shakespeare speech - This time Hamlet.  For some reason, this really cracked me up

Great to have Uli back in the 4th Dimension.  Hope he finds the answers he is looking for - life can be so confounding.  Thanks very much and see you in the post.

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