Thursday, August 1, 2013

Heebee Post #1031 - Reed Altemus - Portland, Maine - USA

 This card arrives in a curious set of circumstances.  Evidently, the card was published by Carted, (France) - created by the busy imagination of Susanna Lakner from Planet Susannia (Germany).  Finally, it was actually sent to me by Reed in Maine (USA). Interesting how the Eternal Network functions, while it is most often that connections seem so random, once the dots do get connected, the networking can operate to any of the rather vast amount of points within that universe, enabling it to constantly expand.  Hence, the Eternal Network.
The reverse side of the dream-like postcard is this declaration of Reed's Mail Art project regarding  Hannah Hoch , an artist influenced by the Berlin Dada movement (1915) and recognized as the only woman participant of Dadaism.  Making that a grand achievement for feminism.
Her experimentation with graphics, photography and painting, led to a style to become known as "Photomontage".  This art form was an accepted and celebrated medium during the 1920's and Hoch is attributed as the great pioneer of it.  The social commentary within her work largely combated the stereotyping of women and celebrated her opinions of the power of her gender. Her piece shown here, "Tamar" is a splendid example of her technique.  Thanks very much Reed, I'll be sending something in for the worthy project.  See you in the mailbox! Hannah Hoch Fan Club. 

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