I was surprised to see this bygone bloke making it onto an Otto creation. It's none other than the beloved Captain Sensible! This fellow is one of my all time favorite characters and I am a huge fan of his. He helped formed The Damned in 1976 and went on to record solo adventures which I adored. Click on that link back there to see the Captain playing guitar in his legendary Akapi suit! Killer stamp Otto!
Otto's sense of humor seems to span a full spectrum of creations. Some, like the above, are merry and light hearted. He can also become quite seriously sarcastic and cynical, although I really haven't seen him wreak visual havoc on anybody that didn't somehow warrant it
These were actually stickers - and there were many more of them. Curiously, "Danke Wolfgang Skodd" is printed on the bottom of each one. I know he and Wolf have an interesting rapport - are these collaborative?
The Donald in full regalia. Ever consider what it would be like to have this determined fellow as president of the U.S.A.? Dear God!

The fearless stamp creator has hundreds of new stamps. In his own words: "My output is gargantuan".
This American Woman may be in a bit of a spot these days - on the other hand, she makes for a gorgeous stamp!
I have quite a lovely collection of Otto's popular stamp sheets. They are glorious!
Some of Otto's creative stamp making are truly breathtaking.